Photo: Iowa Tourism Office

About ICIC

About | History | Team | Reports

ICIC's vision is to build a thriving Iowa entrepreneurial ecosystem through an evergreen, self-sustaining fund of funds and partner venture funds.

ICIC's goal is to accomplish the objectives expressed in its enabling statute, Iowa Code §§ 15E.61.

ICIC Objectives

    • Mobilize private investment in a range of venture partnerships in diversified industries and locales
    • Retain the private-sector culture of focusing on rate of return in the investing process
    • Secure the services of the best managers in the venture capital industry, regardless of location
    • Form an Iowa fund of funds to enhance private investment in Iowa businesses
    • Use state incentives to encourage private investment in an Iowa fund of funds
    • Enhance the venture capital culture and infrastructure in the state of Iowa so as to increase venture capital investment within the state and to promote venture capital investing within Iowa
    • Accomplish these purposes in such a manner as to minimize any appropriations by the state of Iowa